English is the dominant language in various important domains today. The images below represent some of them. First, have a look at the images and discuss the questions. When you are finished, click on each image and compare your answers. You will find more information and links to interesting websites by clicking on the arrow (>) in the bottom right corner. Navigate back by clicking on the home button in the bottom left corner.
Every situation has multiple perspectives. The growth of English has both good and bad effects. You can use the questions below to explore the different sides.
Select a question from the images below and think about it. Write down your key points and share your thoughts with the class.
You might have said in the interview question: I'm learning English because I have to. After all, it's a compulsory subject at school.
But there is a difference between doing something because you have to and doing it because you see a purpose in it. Read the story below and decide: Which type are you?
One day, an important architect observed three bricklayers working very hard and fast. He asked the first bricklayer, „What are you doing?“ to which the bricklayer replied: „I’m a bricklayer. I’m working hard laying bricks to feed my family.“ The second bricklayer, responding to the same question, said: „I’m a builder. I’m building a wall.“ But the third bricklayer, when asked the question, replied with a gleam in his eye: „I’m a cathedral builder. I’m building a great cathedral for The Almighty.“
Assess whether David Crystal's predictions from his 2000 article have proven accurate thus far. Write a comment comprising a minimum of 200 words.
Listen to David Crystal talk about the future of English as a global language. Pay attention to which type of English he believes will be used as global English in the near future.